new moon in Virgo

get the ritual guide & join us for a live activation.


Divine Seekers.

The New Moon in Virgo is exact on Saturday, August 27 at 4:17am eastern time.

This moon is an ignition point and an initiation into devoted destiny.

We’ll be gathering LIVE for an activation + oracle spread.

Join us for the free activation on Friday, August 26 at 7pm eastern.

Register below!

In addition to receiving access to the New Moon activation, you’ll automatically get the ritual guide to learn about the herbs and crystals that want to work with you under this moon, complete with a channeled oracle spread to support your journey.

Be sure to tag me (@auburnlily) if you share your new moon spread on Instagram!

If you feel called, you can make a donation to support the work.

join us for a new moon in virgo activation.

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