Podcast Feature :: The Exit Ramp to Destiny: Embracing Your Saturn Return
On the Fifth Element Podcast
“Mid-life crisis? More like Saturn Return Sznnnn. Ages 29-31 get a bad rap, but when Saturn returns to its natal sign at this time, it’s an opportunity to realign with your true path. Astrologer and all-around gifted mystic, Auburn Lily, joins us to share the wisdom of this transit and how it played out in her own chart. In this episode you’ll meet ol’ Grandfather Destiny, find out why Keighlee’s joining a cult, how Emily’s getting rich, and learn why we’re all #ProPickles.”
Hosts: Emily Bruce, @leorisingbirthkeeping & Keighlee Anastasia, @waning.croissant Guest: Auburn Lily, @auburnlily, http://auburnlily.com/
Auburn Lily