Auric Catharsis ✧ Full Moon in Cancer
Let the wake of the Full Moon in Cancer cleanse the waters of your body.
Cancer is the Mother of the Zodiac.
The Divine Feminine in her most fertile.
The Priestess anointed in holy waters.
Under this moon, both luminaries are ruled by the sea.
Like salt water crystals still clinging to the outer edges of your psyche, what remains within you on the other side of this moon?
What visions came alive for you?
What was buried?
What came to a close?
What was broken open?
This is a moon of security. Of boundary.
Of inner circles + trusted allies.
How do you create more safety in your life, in your being?
Without closing yourself off to miracle?
With the North Node now in Pisces, and unprecedented planetary shifts afoot, now is the perfect time to treat yourself to the healing arts.
Whether you’d like to be held in the golden light of an energy work session, or intuitively map out your year in rhythm with the planets, let’s get you on the books.
SPECIAL INVITATION! The gates to the crystalline coven are now open!
The coven is my FREE community where I host monthly calls, give behind the scenes glimpses to what’s going on in my world, + generally thrive in connection with magickal beings.
Our first gathering is honoring the New Moon in Aquarius. We will gather live on Tuesday, January 28 for an energetic attunement + intuitive reading. Find out what this next moon cycle has in store for you + be held in loving community.
You can join us now for free, or come in as a luminous seeker, offering $11/mo to support the work. Soon, new tiers with benefits will be revealed, like monthly 1:1 readings, ritual gifts + more.
I’ve been working with this combination of allies for the last week or so, and I feel so energetically restored and supported. So I’m feeling called to share my latest crystal squad:
✧ Ocean Jasper invites a sense of gentle comfort, heart-opening compassion, and empowerment. Its orb-like patterns call to mind the frothy ocean waves breaking on the sand, spilling over your feet, washing away your worry.
✧ Pink Amethyst carries the frequency of the Divine Feminine – for me, specifically it evokes the energies of Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary. This stone both opens the upper chakras and provides grounding through the root and earth star due to its hematite inclusions.
✧ Originating from what’s known as The Valley of the Gods, Himalayan Quartz is a high-frequency stone that helps us to access higher levels of spiritual healing and wisdom. This is the perfect stone to use when working to more deeply embody your highest self.
read for your sun & rising signs
REALM OF INFLUENCE: Home, Ancestry & the Legends of your Lineage
MANTRA: I am refoundationalized. When I do the tremendous work of healing myself, I offer that healing to my lineage, backward and forward through time.
OPPORTUNITY: Get grounded. Grow deeper roots. Allow yourself to get comfortable, not complacent. Acknowledge the ways that you are supported in the seen and unseen. Honor the work you are doing for yourself + your lineage through deep self-care.
REALM OF INFLUENCE: Communication: Your Voice, Your Story, Your Living Myth
MANTRA: Beyond myself, I owe it to the world to share my truth. My words are medicine for the collective. My voice, a healing symphony.
OPPORTUNITY: Get clear around what message you have to share + how you’d like to share it. This can be as mundane as showing up more online, or as massive as starting a new blog, podcast, or book! Let your voice be heard. Revel in it.
REALM OF INFLUENCE: Resources, Values, Finances & Creature Comforts
MANTRA: I release all old patterns, inherited + learned, that keep me stuck in scarcity. I embrace my birthright to abundance.
OPPORTUNITY: Affirm your wealth + your worth. Honor all of the structures, people, + circumstances in your life that make you feel rich. Consider what old money stories are rattling around in your psyche. Do something that makes you feel luxurious.
REALM OF INFLUENCE: Sense of Self, Appearances, Identity & Your Lens
MANTRA: I am simply divine. I am ready + available to live into my highest timeline, here and now.
OPPORTUNITY: Behold the beautiful creature that you are. Honor the life you’ve lived so far. Vision the life you’re dreaming into, now. Welcome your highest self into your being.
REALM OF INFLUENCE: Spiritual Life, Karmic Closure & Innate Magick
MANTRA: I am reborn. I no longer have to carry the weight of the karmic cycles of the past. I am free to reinvent + rebecome.
OPPORTUNITY: Cleanse your aura. Release karmic baggage. Journal it out. Meditate in a sauna + sweat it out. Write a loving breakup letter to your past – outline why it’s so over.
REALM OF INFLUENCE: Community, Contributions & Collective Evolution
MANTRA: My light shines bright + my community is drawn to my brilliance. I have much to offer the like-minded souls I am magnetizing.
OPPORTUNITY: Reach out. Reply to your text messages. Join a new community group of some kind. Put yourself out there. Be received. Share your gifts.
MANTRA: I am building my legacy with every step I take. My work in the world is a direct reflection of the love in my heart.
OPPORTUNITY: Consider your impact + influence on the world. What are you known for? Soak in it. What is your two year plan? Ideal finances, ideal day-to-day life. Map it out.
REALM OF INFLUENCE: Spiritual Expansion, Wisdom & Belief
MANTRA: I gain fulfillment by following the spark of my own curiosity. I find ways to utilize + grow my personal genius.
OPPORTUNITY: Consider taking a course or reading a book about a topic that interests you. Is there a certification you’ve been meaning to get? Let your inspiration be your guide. Embody the Sage.
REALM OF INFLUENCE: The Depths, Intensity & Support from the Universe
MANTRA: The universe is conspiring for my success. I embrace myself completely and lean into trust.
OPPORTUNITY: Give love to your shadow. Create an altar to honor the miracles bestowed upon you by the universe. Name the ways you’ve been supported by forces outside your own being in the last 6 months.
REALM OF INFLUENCE: Relationships, Intimacy & What you Seek to Receive
MANTRA: I lean into the connections that hold me accountable to my highest potential. I allow myself to be truly known – and held.
OPPORTUNITY: Dowse yourself in rose water. Listen to a heart-opening Solfeggio frequency. Consider what ideal partnership looks like to you. Bring yourself closer to that vision. Closer. Embody the qualities you seek.
REALM OF INFLUENCE: Wellness, Daily Routines, Devotion & Temple-Tending
MANTRA: I am devoted to the embodiment of my highest self. I am the priestess tending the temple of my body, my home, and my desires.
OPPORTUNITY: Meditate + connect with your highest self. Envision your perfect morning + nightly routine, complete with self-care, ritual magick, even chores. Make a list. Devote yourself to tending these items daily.
REALM OF INFLUENCE: Creative Expression, Inner Child & Relationship with the Spotlight
MANTRA: I let my creativity shine. I express myself freely + joyfully.
OPPORTUNITY: Get creative. Write, draw, paint, dance, flow. Turn to your inner child + give them room to frolic. Let your imagination run a little wild. Stand back and behold what you have created.
Thank you so much for being here! I’ve been radio silent for quite some time, but I am excited to dive back in under the influence of these Cancerian waters.