The Astrology of Pisces Season ✧
Discover the Astrological Events of Pisces Season & What They Mean for You
Pisces is the Mystic. The Elder. The Wise One.
Pisces season brings us to the brink – the veil between this world and the next, the portal between death and rebirth, the liminal, the unseen.
This year, the Sun is in tropical Pisces from February 18 through March 20, aiding us in completing karmic cycles as we prepare for a spiritual rebirth.
This Pisces season ushers us into the first Eclipse Season of 2025, featuring a Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14 and later, a Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29. The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 is the gateway into this portal of devotion and desire. My colleague Emily King and I are not only hosting Eclipse circles throughout the month of March, but we’re kicking things off with a free New Moon in Pisces gathering.
For now, let’s take a journey through the astrological events of this solar season.
February 23 ✧ Mars stations Direct in Cancer
Mars stations retrograde every ~2 years, making it the rarest planetary retrograde we experience. We simply aren’t used to the energy of Mars retrograde (in comparison to the outer planets, who spend half of our lives in retrograde, or Mercury, who goes retrograde three times a year). It’s an uncomfortable transit, and a long-lasting one.
Mars stationed retrograde in Leo on December 6, 2024, ultimately slowing our drive, ambition, and capacity to do. On January 6 of this year, Mars retrograded back into Cancer, and finally, on February 23, Mars stations direct. This retrograde period likely brought up a lot around relationship to the spotlight, the role we play in the lives of others, our sense of safety and protection, and the boundaries that must be held in our lives. Now that Mars is stationing direct, it’s time to put those lessons into action, as we move forward toward our dreams with a renewed sense of passion, drive, and (ideally) well-rested nourishment.
February 25 ✧ Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces
While Mercury is conjunct Saturn in Pisces, our word is our wand. While Mercury rules our communication and intellect, Saturn rules the structures present in our lives – and the law of the land. Activating our voice to channel our desires into reality is super-charged, as Saturn in Pisces continues to provide tangible and structural support for our dreams as they take shape in our lives. This is the final time that Mercury will be conjunct Saturn in Pisces until Saturn returns to this water sign in 2053. This energy peaks on February 25, but is active from February 21 through March 1. Script your reality into being. Let your voice enchant the world around you.
February 27 ✧ New Moon in Pisces
The New Moon in Pisces is the official gateway into the first Eclipse Season of 2025, giving us the perfect opportunity to set intentions for the season and surrender to the divine unfolding.
When I sense into the energy of this moon, I am reminded of a teaching from The Desire Map by Danielle Laporte. She suggests that we should be tracking our goals to how we want to feel in our lives instead of what we want to have or achieve.
Example: Instead of setting your goal as “I receive that promotion,” consider what you think that promotion will offer you, emotionally. Perhaps feelings of stability, recognition, being honored, abundance. Tracking to these feelings instead aligns us with more opportunities to experience these desired emotions, without pigeon-holing us into a manifestation that may or may not bring us the fulfillment we are searching for.x
Under this New Moon in Pisces, connect with these core desired feelings. Close your eyes and consider how you want to feel as you live your life. What power words arise? (Some of mine are: lovely, influential, magnetic.) Let those desired emotions be your guiding light, especially through this lunar cycle and eclipse season.
Want to be supported in this practice?
Join me and Emily King for a free New Moon in Pisces Gathering on February 27 at 7pm, while the moon is exact! You will also gain access to the recording!
March 1 ✧ Venus stations Retrograde in Aries
When Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and romance, stations retrograde in the first sign of the Zodiac, we are invited to go within. We review our journey so far – in love, in enchantment, in attraction, in high magick. It’s time for reflection and re-evaluation:
What truly brings you joy and fulfillment?
What (and who) do you genuinely value in your life?
What patterns are ready for completion, especially in the relational realm?
As Venus retrogrades through Aries (March 1-27) and then through Pisces (March 27-April 12), let your heart lead the way. Rather than be proactive – making moves before it’s time – or even reactive – responding to a specific trigger – this Venus retrograde asks us to simply move in flow and allowance.
March 2 ✧ Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces
When Mercury conjoins the planet of dream and delusion, Neptune, at the 28th degree of Pisces, it tips the first domino in a chain reaction that culminates with Neptune moving into Aries at the end of the month. Although we’ve been navigating foggy wild waters with Neptune in the final degrees of Pisces, and we still have about a month left out in the misty seas, Mercury’s conjunction with Neptune (February 25-March 3) provides a burst of clarity.
Perhaps Neptune in Pisces has filled your field with many dreams and ideals that resonate for you, but the path forward has remained unclear. Now, a crisp, clear vision is available to you. Consider keeping a dream journal. Record your visions the best way you can. They hold crucial pieces of the map outlining the way forward, even if they must be decoded.
I’m hosting a pop-up call honoring Neptune’s journey on March 1 at 7pm eastern, allowing us to close out our Neptune in Pisces era in a good way. Registration is by-donation, and the recording will be available to all registrants!
March 3 ✧ Mercury enters Aries
Mercury, ruler of our communications, enters this fire sign on March 3, making progress through the first sign of the Zodiac until it stations retrograde on March 15, then retracing its steps backward through Aries until March 29, when it re-enters Pisces. Eventually, the planet of intellect will move back through Aries, inviting us to think, re-think, and think again.
Because this particular retrograde has Mercury sweeping through the Zodiac’s threshold of rebirth (Pisces to Aries) not once, not twice, but three times, we are sure to undergo a direct, literal experience of re-becoming. This dance with the veil mirrors the journey that Saturn, Neptune, and Venus will make throughout the year. Notice what comes forward for you, as these themes will continue to arise throughout the year.
How are you evolving?
What is being called into focus in your life?
What thoughts, habits, patterns, and beliefs are surfacing for transformation?
Let the courageous warrior spirit of Aries fill you and guide your way.
March 11 ✧ Mercury conjunct Venus Retrograde in Aries
As Mercury joins hands with Venus in Aries (March 6-15), consider what has come to light for you since the planet of beauty and romance stationed retrograde on March 1. Mercury opens a channel for you to speak your heart truth as it is arising. Follow your intuitive impulses to share your feelings and experience with those you love, those you wish to be close to, before Mercury stations retrograde just a few days later on March 15.
March 12 ✧ Sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces
As you may be able to tell by now, the astrology of 2025 is monumental in that we are experiencing many firsts and lasts. March 3 through March 20 marks the final time that the Sun will be conjunct Saturn in the mystical water sign until Saturn returns to Pisces in 2053. Allow your authenticity to be your compass as you navigate your life-turned-dreamscape. Let your expression be aligned with the life that you wish to be living, the you who you wish to be. Create sacred space to connect with your highest self, your spirit team, your angels, your well-ones.
March 14 ✧ Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
Allow the Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo to be a North Star. Remember that first and foremost, Virgo is the Virgin Priestess, offering her life in service to the divine, bleeding at the altar of the goddess. As you walk this path into deeper devotion, stay vigilant as you toe the line between complete self-sacrifice and faithful service.
What lies beyond your vision for yourself?
What do you dream of for the world at large?
How can you be in deeper service to this dream?
As I always say, Eclipses are not the time to work manifesting magick as Eclipses carry trickster energy – things are not always as they appear under their strange light. Instead, allow these Eclipses to initiate you. Rather than trying to tame the wild-stallion-energy, surrender.
Alongside Emily King, I am hosting Eclipse circles throughout the month of March, and we’ve also put together a robust PDF guide that outlines what to expect from this Eclipse season, with interpretations for each Zodiac sign. Get all the details below!
March 15 ✧ Mercury stations Retrograde in Aries
Following the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, the fast-moving, quick-witted ruler of the Eclipse, Mercury, stations retrograde the very next day. Mercury retrograde periods are not the time to make major, life-altering decisions – and neither are Eclipse seasons, if we can avoid it. Take your time with what this era uncovers. Make your moves in divine time. Remember what wise men say –
“Rushing is violence.”
As Mercury dances with the threshold of Pisces and Aries, we find ourselves in a fertile womb of creation. The black no-thing-ness from which dreams are born. Allow your highest self to bestow clear directives upon you, and take note. Make your preparations to make moves when the time comes.
Looking for more guidance through this retrograde period? I collaborated with Virginia Rosenberg and Emily King to create a potent PDF guide that outlines the Mercury retrograde periods for the next four years.
March 19 ✧ Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces
As we arrive at the close of Pisces season, we also find ourselves experiencing the final time that the Sun will be conjunct Neptune in Pisces – for the rest of our lives. As Neptune prepares to enter Aries on March 30, the Sun moves into conjunction with the planet of magick, illusion, and dreams at the final degree of Pisces, also known as the anaretic degree.
Here, the sun illuminates the fruits of our journey since Neptune began transiting the deep waters of Pisces in 2011, creating waves of idyllic visions, ushering our dreams into the birth portal, and blurring the lines of fantasy and reality.
In these later degrees of Pisces, Neptune has been an agent of confusion and delusion, crafting a culture that has Vision, but lacks Clarity and Direction.
On March 30, Neptune crosses the threshold of rebirth, entering Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac.
The long-lasting fog dissipates.
Our power is restored.
A new dream is born.
neptune in aries cosmic ceremony
donation-based ✧ learn what this historic transit has in store for you
Join me on March 1 at 7pm to learn more about this historic transit.
During the live + recorded call, you will…
✧ Uncover the history of Neptune in Aries
✧ Discover what makes this particular cycle unique
✧ Learn what Neptune in Aries means for YOU
✧ Be held in vibrant, ritual connection as you call in your dreams
SPECIAL OFFER: Leading up to the live call, this offering is by donation!
SPECIAL INVITATION! The gates to the crystalline coven are open!
The coven is my FREE community where I host monthly calls, give behind the scenes glimpses to what’s going on in my world, + generally thrive in connection with magickal beings.
Our next gathering is honoring the New Moon in Pisces. We will gather live on Thursday, February 27 for an energetic attunement + intuitive reading. Find out what this next moon cycle has in store for you + be held in loving community.
You can join us now for free!